

Tamil name: இலுப்பை மரம்

English name: Mahua tree

Scientific name: Madhuca indica

Family: Sapotaceae

    Mahua tree is known as Indian Butter Tree. A medium sized to large deciduous tree with a large rounded crown. The seed of Mahua gives high quality fat commercially known as ‘Mahua butter’ which is substitute for cocoa butter or ghee and is also used as biodiesel. Mahua tree also has industrial application (Patel et al., 2012). It is used in manufacture of laundry soaps and lubricants. It also has insecticidal and pesticide property. The tree bark can also be used as timber. Mahua flowers are sweet and are used for the fermentation process. This tree is a stimulant, demulcent, emollient and has heating properties also. Bark is used in diabetes, rheumatism, ulcers, bleeding and tonsillitis. In skin diseases, the juice of flowers is applied. The decoction of bark in water if taken internally can cure rheumatism, also the application of seed oil externally on the affected area. Bark decoction also helps in managing diabetes. Ulcers can be treated by applying grinded roots. Dried flower powder along with ghee and honey is considered as tonic.