Mr.C.Ganeche, has turned out to be the ray hope for the students of modern education on Agriculture to the appropriate and pertinent practicality of the art and science of improved agriculture, environmental and educational initiatives for better living. He has thrown light on a number of Green Initiatives towards maintaining a clean and green environment. He has ascertained the strategic ways for a healthy life in this modern era with the blend of contemporary agricultural science and traditional organic farming by enabling the young minds of our society from theory to practice. He has undertaken consistent efforts across 200 Villages in and around UT of Puducherry and Tamilnadu, transformed more than 5000 lives of South Indian Farmers, certified more than 1000 Agri Graduates with Entrepreneurship Development Program, a number of successful Women.
Development Initiatives by vocational training, offered developmental programs to the students of Annamalai University, Pondicherry University, Agriculture Dept., PKKVK, PAJANCOA, Adhiparasakthi College, Swedan University, United Nation Students with regard to green initiatives of modern farming and enriching better and green environment and by building Knowledge Centre crafted for the Rural People to transform their lives from dependent to self-reliant practicing successful occupation in Agriculture and Horticulture in environment friendly way.
Thus, the long way of CEAD acknowledged performance has now ventured for the educational institution affiliated to Annamalai University, stetting towards initiating a radical transformation of young lives for making Green Agriculture, Green Environment for better Green Lives maintaining Green Earth. The other activities of the Institute include improved engagement for betterment of farming communities particularly women and landless laborers through training them in environmentally sustainable income generation activities, introducing micro credits and improving their access to quality education and health services.
Organizational Setup